Friday, February 5, 2010

"Me 2.0" by Dan Schwabel

Check out

"ME 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand To Achieve Career Success"

#1 Career Book for 2009 - New York Post

It was an honor to have him speak on a conference call that I was a part of today. Dan Schawbel is profound and inspiring! I highly recommend you go to your nearest bookstore and buy this book.

Some highlights from the book include:
- A proven 4-step process for building a powerful brand (discover, create, communicate, maintain).
- Tips on using social media tools for personal empowerment, confidence building, and professional networking in order to attract jobs directly to you, without applying!
- Tested advice on how to create an online and offline presence for career protection and self-promotion.

Bottom line:
This is the handbook for surviving and thriving
in the digital age !

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